So starting with this week:
Monday, 22 Feb 2010
Single twix, creme egg and wispa.
Badminton match burned 771 calories
Tuesday, 23 Feb 2010
creme egg, wispa, creme egg
gym burned 642 calories
2 mile walk
Wednesday, 24 Feb 2010
4 pancakes
1.5 mile walk
Thursday, 25 Feb 2010
mini mint aero
2 mile walk
Friday, 26 Feb 2010
mini roll
thought about gym...Saturday, 27 Feb 2010
twix, curly wurly, choc gateau (only a quarter btw)
7+ mile walk - 3500 cals - think balances out some of the choc
Choc muffin x2
Did a bit of dancing at Edd & Claire's wedding - does that count???
Monday, 1st March 2010
It's 15:40 and no chocolate so far....I can see a light. I want to go towards the light. It's the light on the vending machine. It's so pretty...
Psychotic behaviour, coma, die - symptoms of altitude sickness, or lack of chocolate in one's life.
Badminton tonight - going to use that to justify choc later as going around Tesco and not buying any choc may just cause the world to implode. 400 Cals burned, followed by 8 biscuits and a choc mousse.
Tuesday, 2nd March 2010
Pete's birthday, so several mini choc chip muffins and a wispa today, but since I didn't purchase, I don't think they count....
Gym (weights & cardio) = 500 cals. Flipping 1 hour to burn 500 cals.
2 mile walk.
Wednesday, 3rd March 2010
So far (15:15) no choc. I am longing for a choc bar.
Spinning class booked for tonight. If I can hold out til I get past the shop after spinning, I'll be fine. We shall see.
Spinning = 400 cals
2 mile walkNO CHOC - miracles can happen.
Thursday, 4th March 2010
Surprise choc bar donated to the cause
Badminton match - 1 won a game - yippeeeeeee!
2 mile walk.
Friday, 5th March 2010
Few bourbon biscuits followed by evening at La Tasca in Brum.
No exercise...
Saturday, 6th March 2010
Sunday, 7th March 2010
The weather was dry and sunny. Flipping freezing, but a good opportunity to get the bike out and test the winter gear. Had lovely pootle along the canals for a few hours and popped into Cadbury World also. Managed not to fall off despite using SPD's as well - that's a first...
Did have fry's peppermint cream though...
Monday, 8th March 2010
No choc all day and badminton practise in the evening. Not bad - it is possible then...
Tuesday, 9th March 2010
Adam's birthday = 1 double choc chip muffin and 2 cookies. Cancelled out Monday's good effort me thinks...
Gym after work = 300 cals and felt like death afterwards.
2 mile walk
Wednesday, 10th March 2010
Craving choc. It's 15:20 and I've got this far, but I am weak.
Spinning class completed (though it is getting a bit tedious with the beegee chemical brothers remix every week) and as a reward, I had 8 choc biscuits - each the size of a dinner plate though... I have also decided that lack of chocolate is sending me loopy. As I accidentally used toothpaste instead of shaving gel on bikini line. Stings a bit but minty fresh! This was all clearly Legends fault though, as if their showers had been working (4 cubicles, at most 1 shower that is remotely decent, 3 that never get warm and all 4 flood if in there for more than 2 mins), I wouldn't be showering again at home after walking home and really tired.
2 mile walk
Thursday, 11th March 2010
Today is a day off. Wispa has been provided for my enjoyment and tonight Graham & I will be partaking in a Chinese takeaway. mmmmmmm.
2 mile walk. I must do something Friday though.
Friday, 12th to Saturday 20th March 2010
Quite frankly rubbish attempt at sticking to diet and exercise regime!
Sunday, 21st March 2010
Midland 3 PeaksMonday, 22nd March 2010 to Friday, 26th March 2010
Days orf from training, though I was still walking to and from work
Sarah & Tom's Wedding
Friday, 26th March 2010
Saturday, 27th March 2010
Walking, followed by McDonalds. Wedding night before meant I had no time for food shopping and I was too shattered to cook.
Sunday, 28th March 2010
Walked around NEC and Brum city centre - but did have a Burger King
Monday, 29th March 2010
Badminton match night - I played appallingly. Chocolate bars are 3 for £1.
Tuesday, 30th March 2010
I'm still catching up on sleep. Walked 2 miles, but no gym.
Wednesday, 31st March 2010
It's 18:00 and I have 562 calories left of daily allowance. I have gym kit so just need to get there and not eat anything when I get back and I'll be on target.
Walked 2 miles.
Thursday, 1st April 2010
Walked 2 miles.
Friday, 2nd April 2010 to Tuesday, 6th April 2010
Ate loads of Easter choc. I also ate Helen's Easter choc.
Piglets were born on the farm.
No exercise!
Wednesday, 7th April 2010
Back to work - struggling to get back into the routine.
Walked 4 miles
Thursday, 8th April 2010
Badminton match, 2 choc bars.
No calorie count as HRM has died.
Walked 4 miles.
Friday, 9th April 2010
Lunch at the beefeater with Sarah and Kirsty where they force fed me chocolate brownie after I consumed massive chicken, cheese and bacon burger.
Saturday, 10th April 2010
See Les Miserables at the Birmingham Hippodrome, so didn't eat all day, but then managed to pig out at the chinese afterwards. Not good.
Sunday, 11th April 2010
Walked The Berwyns.
Back on a mission after weighing self and nearly falling off scales in shock.
Monday, 12th April 2010
Walked 4 miles.
Played badminton and burnt off 565 calories
4 Choc biscuits consumed.
Tuesday, 13th April 2010
Walked 4 miles.
No gym tonight as going out for meal - Hand & Trumpet.
2 Choc biscuits, 1 slice of ginger cake and a choc mousse.
Wednesday, 14th April 2010
Walked 4 miles
ate 4 tonnes of junk
Thursday, 15th April 2010
Had a childs (Ana Paiva's daughter) Easter egg.
Walked 4 miles
Friday, 16 April 2010
Had fantastic dinner at Jeannie's.
Followed by profiteroles and cheesecake.
No walking
Saturday, 17th April 2010
Turned 34
Lunch at Ha Ha Grille in Brum, followed by pamper session.
Walked 4 miles in new trainers.
Sunday, 18th April 2010
Gardening and gym - burned off 501 calories at the gym.
Monday, 19th April 2010
Walked 2 miles
Birthday sweets though, so lots of sugar consumed.
Tuesday, 20th April 2010
Walked 2 miles
Gym - 500 calories. legs are still aching from Sunday.
170 sit ups. In agony after 30 so had to keep stopping for rest.
1 dairy milk but quite a few toffees....
Wednesday, 21st April 2010
Walked 4 miles
Spinning & Gym - 808 calories. 40% fat
Thursday, 22nd April 2010
Walked 4 miles
Friday, 23rd April 2010
Walked 2 miles
Saturday, 24th April 2010
Gym - 639 calories 45% fat
Sunday, 25th April 2010
Climing Tryfan - 5283 cals
Monday, 26th April 2010 to Tuesday, 4th May 2010
NO exercise - not good. Period pains from hell!
Wednesday, 5th May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Gym (spinning class full) and managed 1hour 10mins of cardio and weights. I even did 10 mins on the rower.
Thursday 6th, May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Gym again
Friday, 7th to Sunday 9th May 2010
No exercise but visited helen so ate healthily and didn't dip into emergency choc stash either.
Monday, 10th May 2010
Badminton tournament burned 863 calories
Tuesday, 11th May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Gym burned 610 calories
Walked 2 miles
Thursday, 13th May 2010
Walked 2 miles.
Mowed lawn until wheel fell off. Had massive strop. Vegged in front of tele for the rest of the night.
Friday, 14th May 2010
Thought about the gym. I thought about it long and hard, but due to the stress of having to pay out for new garage roof, I couldn't risk the stress of exercise as well.
Saturday, 15th May 2010
Cycled 22 miles.
Freezing cold. Used garmin for the first time - love it.
1900 calories
Sunday, 16th May 2010
Walked snowdon via Rhyd Ddu path.
Monday, 17th May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Played badminton for 2 hours
Tuesday, 18th May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Mowed lawn - flipping hard work especially the last bit which had been left from the previous week.
Went out on Harley Davidson - most exciting.
Wednesday, 19th May 2010
Spinning class- 500 calories
Walked 2 miles
Thursday, 20th May 2010
Body Conditioning - 204 cals. Not impressed with class. I will give it another go though. I didn't feel like I'd worked at all.
Walked 2 miles
Friday, 21st May 2010
Gardening & washed car
Saturday, 22nd May 2010
Gardening again and Kirsty's 30th birthday party so did a bit of dancing.
Sunday, 23rd May 2010
Bacon Butties for brekkie (cooked by Allen)
Mcdonalds for lunch
Wander around Go Outdoors and Cheshire Oaks.
Evening spent practising getting new waterproof trousers on and off whilst wearing walking boots - my life on the edge...
Monday, 24th May 2010
Walked 4 miles
Badminton 683 cals
Tuesday, 25th May 2010
Walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 26th May 2010
Walked 2 miles.
Spin class followed by abs = 562 calories. I did go into the gym afterwards to work on arms and chest, but had wussy weak moment and couldn't lift anything.
Thursday, 27th May 2010
Walked 2 miles.
Body Conditioning - worked harder this time, but still not convinced... burnt 402 calories, but did go to gym afterwards.
Friday, 28th May 2010
No gym
Have lovely meal at Sarah's - 3 courses, so well stuffed.
Had bikey serviced.
Saturday, 29th May 2010
Tidied up house, went to cotteridge and got drenched.
Went out in Warwick to Ask and had fantastic choc pudding (for free).
Sunday, 30th May 2010
I was due to do the High Ropes Challenge in Streetly today with Spice. It was cancelled. Gutted. Spent the day in the garden. Was good to do, but not as energetic. Mum came over as did Mark and Lydia. Wandered around the Green and looked at the buildings that won on the restoration tv programme.
Took tonne of garden rubbish n garage junk to tip.
Monday, 31st May 2010
Working hard as per usual, followed by 2 hours of hard badminton. Quite enjoying the fact that only 4 of us turn up as I get loads of games in and some 1:1 coaching to boot.
Tuesday, 1st June 2010
4 miles walking
no gym - aching from gardening.
Wednesday, 2nd June 2010
4 miles walking
Thursday, 3rd June 2010
4 miles walking
I now have got a boarded loft - so exciting.
Friday, 4th June 2010
Drove to mum's and sat in garden eating sausage sandwiches - important training for kili!!!!
Saturday, 5th June 2010
Spent day in garden burning some cals tidying up, planting, sweeping and clearing dead stuff away.
I was booked on a Spice cycle ride around Chasewater which I was looking forward to for so many reasons, but it got cancelled. I really am doomed with this stuff at the mo.
Sunday, 6th June 2010
More gardening and cleaning. Started to clear out junk from loft and wardrobes. Packed piano away :-(.
Monday, 7th June 2010
Back to work.
No badders as had baby shower for Rachael who does look like she's fit to burst. Gorgeous house though. Loved it.
Tuesday, 8th June 2010
Walked 2 miles.
Wednesday, 9th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 10th June 2010
walked 2 miles
drove back to brum for bike ride prep
Friday, 11th June to Monday 13th June
prep, perform and recover from Shropshire cycling.
loved it and definately will be doing it again.
Tuesday, 15th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 16th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 17th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Friday, 18th June 2010
day off from any exercise
Saturday, 19th June 2010
Race for life in Sutton Park
walked 1 mile from Four Oaks train station to start.
I was extremely late (15mins) due to the poor organisation of the event (people everywhere and no signs)
Couldn't run most of it, due to pushchairs, dogs, kids and smokers getting in the way.
Managed 44 mins - not happy. I won't be doing Race for Life ever again. The only one that was well organised was held at the NEC.
Sunday, 20th June 2010
Monday, 21st June 2010
Tuesday, 22nd June 2010
night off - getting lazy again
walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 23rd June 2010
had afternoon off due to footie match.
walked 2 miles, then walked around Cheshire Oaks all afternoon / evening.
McDonalds also came a calling, along with the Cadbury shop and ice cream
Thursday, 24th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Friday, 25th June 2010
Swan Lake - the traditional version
Tepenyaki for dinner - mmmmmmmmm
Saturday, 26th June 2010
not much
Sunday, 27th June 2010
Walking walking walking
Monday, 28th June 2010
Tuesday, 29th June 2010
walked 2 miles
nowt - need to snap out of this....
Wednesday, 30th June 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 1st July 2010
practised putting up 4 man tent again
walked 2 miles
Friday, 2nd July to Sunday 4th July 2010
camping and walking in the cotswolds
Monday, 5th July 2010
Tuesday, 6th July 2010
walked 2 miles
no gym - again
Wedsnesday, 7th July 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 8th July 2010
walked 2 miles
Friday, 9th July 2010
had to stay in for water meter man.
Saturday, 10th July 2010
navigation course - walked over sutton park for 5 hours.
came back and had DVD night with Emm, so stuffed self silly with junk food
Sunday, 11th July 2010
Cycle ride - did 'chocolate trail' with Skyride - great fun
Monday, 12th July 2010
Tuesday, 13th July 2010
walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 14th July 2010
practised putting 6 man tent up and my 2 man tent up
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 15th July 2010
First Hoola hoop lesson.
Friday, 16th July to Sunday 18th July 2010
Camping in lakes - Gillside Campsite in Glenridding
Saturday = Scarfell
Sunday = Helvellyn to Red Tarn
Monday, 19th July 2010
Interview so pottering around in the garden / tip / cleaning house in the morning
Afternoon visiting Ruth in Stafford Hospital after interview. Wore heels so worn out stomping all over the place.
McDonalds consumed - not good....
Tuesday, 20th July 2010
Walk 2 miles
Wednesday, 21st July 2010
Walk 2 miles
Thursday, 22nd July 2010
walked 2 miles
Hooping. shattered. sweating. bruises on hands as now swinging hoop above head.
Friday, 23rd July 2010
Lunch with Ana and Kirsty. Had fudge cake pud.
Visited Ruth in hospital, Mark treated me to icecream.
Popped into mum's then home. Got home late - no time for relaxing.
Saturday, 24th July 2010
Doc's to check all jabs up to date and get Diamox.
Apparently I now need Meningitus - great!
Sunday, 25th July 2010
Yorkshire 3 peaks - shattered and I only managed 2. Also just found out that cafe wanted £6 to log the time! cheeky.
Monday, 26th July 2010
Intended to use the day off to clean tent, dry tent, clean groundsheet and dry groundsheet, do gardening in crewe etc. It rained all day, so cleaning was done in the bath and drying using teatowels. Not the most fun a girl can have. Lawn didn't get mown either.
Tuesday, 27th July 2010
walked 2 miles
Wednesday, 28th July 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 29th July 2010
walked 2 miles
hooping - outside throwing hoop up and catching it - bashed hands again
Friday, 30th July 2010
transferred cash to Allen for the Kili balance - now it's real.
Saturday, 31st July 2010
Travelled up to Fort William. Martin drove. Long day of travelling including Burger King and pub meal.
Sunday, 1st August 2010
Burned off a few calories walking West Highland Way - weather was due to be better tomorrow for the Ben Nevis climb.
Pub meal (inc pud) to rebuild energy stocks.
Monday, 2nd August 2010
Ben Nevis
Pub meal
Tuesday, 3rd August 2010
Travel home. chips at Tebay services. Intended to get jacket spud at Loch Lomond but they ran out of potatoes.
Wednesday, 4th August 2010
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 5th August 2010
walked 2 miles
hooped. inside this time. lifting off hoop above head and putting it back on waist again. bashed head a few times.
Friday, 6th August 2010
bbq at Claire's on the smallest BBQ in the world ever.
Saturday, 7th August 2010
visited mum, so ate all her teacakes.
used paul's stepper machine. the first 10 mins were agony so I had a rest, then got back on it. did 25 mins in total - pants.
Sunday, 8th August 2010
cleaning, washing and ironing. great fun...
allen pays off the full balance for all of us for Kili. now its real for everyone.
used paul's stepper for an hour whilst watching vertical limit - killed me
Monday, 9th August 2010
Tuesday, 10th August 2010
walked 2 miles
lazy evening
Wednesday, 11th August 2010
stepper during QI
walked 2 miles
Thursday, 12th August 2010
walked 2 miles
Hooping - stepping in and out of hoop. blinking hard work. whacked legs loads
Friday, 13th August 2010
walked 2 miles
lugged junk down tip
pudding club - ate 5 out of the 7 puddings - wasn't impressed. had good laugh, but could have done that for half the price.
Saturday, 14th August 2010
rushed around trying to get stuff done.
bought new laptop, set that up,
started some card making,
put some stuff ready for loft.
farmers market so purchased the compulsory brownie.
Sunday, 15th August 2010
Mark and Lydia came round to help me sort out garage doors. New boards put up, painted with 2 undercoats and 1 gloss coat.
sausage sandwiches for lunch but healthy stir fry for dinner. then massive portion of choc pudding.
Monday, 16th August 2010
walked 1 mile - but then had magnum for lunch....
badminton - 2 hours - shattered. played level doubles (with 3 men).
Tuesday, 17th August 2010
walked 2 miles
lugged in gym kit, but now just can't be bothered to go to gym. will lug it home again.
Wednesday, 18th August 2010
Thursday, 19th August 2010
Friday, 20th August 2010
Saturday, 21st August 2010
Sunday, 22nd August 2010
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