
Date: 27th Feb 2010
Location: Mam Tor, Peak District near Castleton
Weather: Forecast = cloudy with sunny spells. Actual = thick snow
Time: 5ish hours
Distance: 7ish miles
Today did not get off to a good start. I woke thinking was rather light for 5am, to glance at clock and realise was 7am. I was meant to be in Crewe for 8am and it's a 2 hour drive from mine. Hmmmm. Quick txt to Kirsty (who then proceeded to not get out of bed just yet), and a rush around and get out of house asap.
Set off and followed some dippy woman doing 40 in 60 area and even down slip road to M5. Wound up and late and just remembered I had left my smoothie in the fridge. Hey ho - will look forward to that when I get back.
Get to Kirsty & Allen's, just as Martin pulls up so that was good timing. We set off for the start of the walk. An hour's drive later and we park up near the Castleton Visitor centre and start our walk towards Winnates Pass up to Mam Tor.
We had put on the ole waterproofs just in case, but the forecast (checked previous day) was due to have sunny intervals.
The walk didn't start off too well for me. 5 mins into it and I'm puffing and panting and calves hurting already. We started the ascent up Mam Tor and after the first rise, the snow really started to come down. Covers on rucksacks, hoods up, and back to the walk.
I couldn't see out of right eye as snow was hitting me from that side and whatever I seemed to do with my hood it didn't seem to cover it. I definately need windows in my hood like Elaine's. Goggles were also considered as my eyes were stinging. I had purchased a rather attractive pale blue balaclava, but had forgotten it for this walk.
Onwards and upwards. We followed the path along the ridge, stopped for lunch ontop of a pile of rocks, then started the full on descent. Crossed a railway near the cement works. The last stage was on the road.
I cannot believe the amount of snow on the hills and also how very muddy it was.
I have thoroughly tested both boots on the waterproof front. I fully submerged one right up to the ankle and then moments later the other one in the same manner. Great fun. God knows how I managed to get mud right up the inside of the waterproofs. I am so talented.
Got back to the Allen Morris household, lasagne, cake - great ending to a good day.
Despite the weather, I did feel I managed the walk OK and I didn't feel too slow.
Allen and Martin have also managed to load the maps for routes done so far onto Google maps.